Busy Bee Child Care


8:00am - Independant play

9:00am - Story & Talk Time

10:00am - Snacks/Clean-up

11:00am - Songs & Stretches

11:30am - Educational Games (learning our numbers, letters, shapes, colours)

12:00pm - Lunchtime/Clean-up

12:30-2:00pm - Nap Time for all
(if your child does not nap they will have quiet time)

3:00pm - Hands on Activities (arts, crafts, playdoh, paints etc....)

3:40pm - Snacks/Clean-up

4:00pm - Free-Play

4:45pm - Quiet time (book reading, children's movie or show)

5:00-5:30 - Home Time

*Please note "Free Play" may also consist of an out-door activity, it's also a time that I offer the children the opportunity to choose the activity of their choice for a feeling of independance.