Busy Bee Child Care

Parent/Provider Contract

Busy Bee Child Care

Monique Ste.Marie

56 Weaver Bay


R2M 2G8


Welcome to my home daycare! It is so important to find a suitable, safe place for your child or children while you have to be apart.. To facilitate greater understanding between us, I have created this handbook. Please read this handbook carefully and feel free to discuss with me any questions that you may have.

Acceptance Criteria

Children will be accepted into my daycare after an initial interview between the child/ren, parent(s), and myself. This allows child/ren and parents to become familiar with my daycare as well as myself. For the younger children I require a set number of meetings or play dates with the child in order for them to become comfortable with me and make the transition easier on everyone.

Daycare Rates

I charge $25/day and siblings rate of $45.00/day

Late fees of 10.00 per day will be charged to all late payments up to a maximum of 2 days then daycare will be terminated until late fees are paid.

If you are going to be late picking up your child please call.  I will not charge late fees if you call but if I do not receive a call and you are more then 15 minutes late picking up I will apply late charges at a rate of $10.00/15 minutes you are late.


Drop off & Pick Up of Children Parents must notify me should anyone besides themselves be picking up the children. This is a much safer method and eliminates any chance of confusion or harm to the children.

NSF Checks

Payments may be made by check, but please be aware that if a check is returned to me for in-sufficient funds, you will be required to pay all fees that I incur as a result of the returned check, plus a $40.00 fee. Childcare services will be immediately halted until full payment and NSF charges have been made, in CASH. In addition, I reserve the right to request cash payment from that point forward.


Parents are responsible for providing daycare with plenty of disposable diapers, wipes, creams. You are welcome to leave a full pack of diapers, wipes here and I will notify you when your child's supply runs low. Formula and jarred food can also be brought in for a weeks worth or daily.

Withdrawing A Child

A written notice 2 weeks in advance is required if a parent terminates this contract, or 2 weeks pay. As the provider, I may terminate this contract with no notice if a situation arises.


Discipline will mainly consist of re-direction. Re-direction means children will be reminded of the rules, and re-directed to a different activity. Infants and young toddlers that do not understand the consequences of their behaviour will be reminded of the rules and removed from the situation if necessary. There will be NO spanking. Time-outs will be used though if necessary for repeated problems. Please discuss your discipline patterns with me.

Food Program

Nutritious meals will be provided for breakfast and lunch for children one year and older.

Breakfast is served at 8:00a.m. daily. (if your child arrives after 8am breakfast will not be served)

Lunch is served at 12:00p.m. daily. (if child arrives after 12:00p.m. lunch will not be served)

Morning and afternoon snacks are also provided. Morning snack is served around 10 am and afternoon snack is served after nap time.

Vacation Time

I will notify parents of any vacations at least 2 weeks in advance. I, as the daycare provider, will be taking 2 weeks vacation per year. Parents are not expected to pay for my services during my vacation time. It is the parents' responsibility to find back up care.

When parents take a vacation, half the weekly rate is expected in order to hold your child's place in daycare. Parents must also notify me 2 weeks in advance when a child will be withdrawn to accompany a parent on summer or any other vacations. For a full summer vacation, parents are required to pay ½ the weekly rate in advance for the entire vacation in order to insure your child's readmission

Days Opened and Closed

Childcare is provided Monday through Friday during working hours. These hours are 7:30a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Day care will not be open certain holidays. These holidays include:

**Christmas Eve open until 2pm

**Christmas Day

**Boxing Day

**New Years Eve open until 2pm

**New Years Day

**Louis Riel Day(family day)

**Canada Day

**Remembrance Day

**Labor Day


**Civic Holiday

**Good Friday

**Victoria Day

Stat holidays are paid holidays as long as it is a day when your child would normally be in care.

Notice of any other days off will be given well in advance..

Sick Days, Absent Days

If your child is going to be out sick, please notify me as soon as possible. Please try to notify me the night before if your child is going to be absent for any reason. You must also notify me if you are going to be late dropping off your child. If I am not notified, I will assume your child is going to be absent and we will go about our day. Repeated "No Call, No Shows" may result in termination of this contract by the provider.

This is a legal agreement (contract) between

________________________________ (parents name) and
Busy Bee Child Care. (providers name)

to receive daycare at a rate of $25/day or $45.00/day for siblings.

I ______________________ have read, understand and accept

       (parents name)

all the policies and conditions mentioned here in this handbook/contract and agree to all.

____________________________ ____________________

(parents name)                                               (date)

____________________________ _____________________

(providers name)                                          (date)


(date of acceptance)